Spokt is HERE! Don't Worry!

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You caught us right as we were making Spokt a little bit better!

Mayflower has landed. We successfully transferred over 18,000,000 messages from MyFamily.com to Spokt.com.
We are no longer taking new Mayflower Orders.
Thank you to our customers who made this possible.

Migrate your MyFamily.com safely and securely

Mayflower Is Here Today

MyFamily is disappearing fast, but your data can be safely stored today.

Stage 1:

With the impending shutdown of MyFamily.com, our top priority is to ensure the safe data retrieval for every refugee who needs it. Our first stage safely captures your data and will be put in queue for the subsequent phases. Since we cannot guarantee the uptime of MyFamily.com, this tool is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Stage 2:
Convert Data

Once Stage 1 is underway, you will need to create the proper connections between your MyFamily site and your new Spokt Hub. You can choose which hub you'd like to import your data into, identify users between your MyFamily site and your Spokt Hub, and initiate your site import. Expect this stage to launch in the second half of July.

Stage 3:
Import to your
Spokt Hub

Now for the fun part. We will import all of your MyFamily data into your new Hub. You will be able to peruse past history, and recall fun memories with the ease of use you've grown to love with Spokt. This stage will be available alongside Stage 2 in the second half of July, and will complete your MyFamily.com data transfer process. Wahoo!

Stage 4:
Harbor: Personal

Stage 4 takes you further than you've ever been before. We plan to be around for a very long time, but we're not asking you to take our word for it. This year we are releasing Harbor, a download service for all of your Spokt data. This means you can keep your most important moments right on your hard drive. Peace of mind is finally here.

See what people said
about Mayflower

Spokt has become the happy home for tens of thousands MyFamily Refugees.
Read more about it on the blog posts below

"You guys have done a totally awesome job in migrating us!! Thank you So Much!! You and your team are beyond awesome! So glad I found your site - I knew your company could take on this challenge.... You have all far exceeded my expectations! Please thank everyone for their Hard Work... "

"We were on myfamily for 15 years and were devastated when we learned that our 15 years of family history would be destroyed. Your site and your migration tool has been a blessing and a 'God send'. There were 10,808 pictures alone to save, and that doesn't include all the embedded pics and videos. Thank you ever so much for saving the last 15 years of our lives. We are all so pleased with our new site and are all having a grand ole time getting acquainted with it. Thank you, again!!!"

"Ten thousand MyFam threads successfully moved into Spokt. We are very grateful for the team at Spokt. Thanks guys!"

What does a Migration look like?

Data migrated from MyFamily looks better than ever on Spokt. Photos are larger, text is sharper, and everything is simpler to navigate in a modern interface.

See How it Compares »

Read what
others have to say

We could tell you about the relief we’ve brought to thousands of MyFamily customer, but we think it sounds better coming from them.

Read some recent praise »

See where
it all started

Nearly two months ago we formally announced Mayflower, our MyFamily data migration tool. Since then we've made thousands of new friends.

See where it all started »

* Mayflower captures News, History, Photos, Recipes, Documents, and Reviews, along with threaded conversations for each (meaning all comments/replies for each post).

** As Mayflower's success is dependent upon a third-party system (MyFamily.com) over which Spokt and it's affiliates have no control, we will do our best to retreive a comprehensive, ordered export of your data in a timely manner and to the extent of our access.

*** We aim for your complete satisfaction, and we will do everything we can to help ensure the smoothest possible transfer of your data from MyFamily.com to your new Spokt Hub. Please understand that Spokt cannot claim liability for mistakes arising from user error surrounding the migration process. Please initiate your site migrations carefully. Due to the nature of Mayflower's product pipeline, once a site migration is ordered, refunds cannot be issued. Should there be a major fault for which Spokt is responsible, Spokt will review and determine whether the situation can be remedied, or whether a refund is warranted. As always, please contact support at https://spokt.com/contact if you feel you have encountered an error.

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